My High SChool class mates would know this story. It's about a girl who, bright day light stole my handphone! We were having fun playing futsal at the court and left my stuff with her, as she was sitting at the bench watching us play.
After the eventful fytsal game, we went to rest, and she left early says she has tuiton. Right after she left, my phone was missing. It was really obvious that she stole it because, no one was there or passed by when we were playing, and she was touching my bag most of the time.
Friends even thought that bag was hers, but the real fact it, it was MINE. I was not that paranoid, as she was my friend and i trust her, and also i thouht she was just admiring my bag, so i didn't bother making a big fuss out of it.
It was clearly untrustable. SHe wasn't my class mate (thank GOD)
She usually coes to my class to hang out before the shool starts, as her friends are my classmates. After that incident, she never came over anymore.
From then on, i can't forgive what she has done to me, and she never did admit she stole it.
That is the Only Friendship that i Let go off.

oh.. and i would like to promote You Again on my Blog, the trailer looks realy good.


Do check it out at the cinemas near you! that's all